2017 Local Council Candidates
Below are the profiles for the candidates running for the 2017 Local Council.
Bruce Clark
I have worked in church activities for 35 years. I was blessed to Setsue Clarke in 1989.
My work with children in Bridgeport began with teaching and running Sunday School from 2000 – 2010. From this work, I moved into the position of Youth Pastor in 2006 and served in that capacity for six years, helping to develop SLAM and founding YAM. As a youth pastor in our vibrant community, I worked with other New England youth pastors to run winter workshops, operated three Il Shim sessions, and was a member of the founding council (under founder Jin Kwon Kim) of the SportsFest. This was a form of giving back to the community that I moved to as a married graduate student in 1993. As a UB graduate from the School of Education, I have sought other ways to helping our community, using my professional experience as a teacher to serve as Chair of the BHS Board from 1997 until around 2004. I am also helping BIA’s Board, as I have recently been elected to a post.
Two years ago, I was elected to the Local Council of our church. I’ve enjoyed working with other Council Members to search for and locate our current co-pastors. It’s been a real joy to be a part of the transition to the pastorship of Abe and Mika Deshotel and I want to continue to support their ministry in a real and substantial way.
Clopha Deshotel
My relationship with the UC began on the West Coast and after a couple of months saw me starting a mission with Il Hwa Ginseng at the time of the Blizzard of 1978; there is even a Wikipedia article about that blizzard. I was in Boston. In 1998, my moving family of five children from Louisiana to Bridgeport, to buy a house, was to work with my wife in an “emerging” high school for Second Generation. That high school has a new name now, but seeing those students now as young adults, and parents, has been transformative. I appreciate much of the disappointment, and the reverse, which has come my way. Ready for something new, and surprises.
Going through Unification Thought, and revisiting an article published in 1985 about Blessed Family Trinities, is part of my desire to put my name into this process.
John Kirkley
1. Heard Father speak & realized that he was the Lord of the Second Advent, 20 Jan 1974, Scottish Rite Auditorium, San Francisco.
2. Listened to occasional lectures, attended Weekend Workshop & “moved in” to the 2269 Washington Avenue, SF, “One World Family” home 23 April 1974.
3. First 2 yr 8 mo period: May 1974-Dec 1976 – New Member, Rev. Paul Werner’s “German National MFT” (18 mo), then 1976 in NYC under Mike Smith, participating in Yankee Stadium & Washington Monument campaigns.
4. Second 2 yr 8 mo period: Jan 1977-Aug 1979 – 13th of 13 “Founding Members” of THE NEWS WORLD, Marie & I blessed with 74 Couples (21 Feb 1977), Sunnie Marie Kirkley born 23 August 1979.
5. Third 2 yr 8 mo period: Sept 1979-April 1982 – UTS & CARP mission in Georgetown; Gabriella born (16 March 1981) during my senior year at UTS.
6. 1980s – Chosen by Father to be “Immigration Attorney” with office in World Mission Center. Sophia born 6 Jan 1983. Theodore born 22 July 1985. Gift child Sept 1988.
7. 1991-1997 – Teaching English as “a tithe of (life)time” in the Fatherland of Korea.
8. 1998-2001 – Dean of Students at New Eden Academy for Hugh & Nora Spurgin & earned Master of Science in Education (MSEd) from Univ. of Bridgeport.
9. 2001-2014 – Teaching English in China. Retired & repatriated to USA Nov 2014. Active member of Bridgeport Family Church for past 2 years 5 months, supporting first the Teos & then the Brelands with Wed & Friday outreach, numerous one day workshops, and now supporting our Blessed Couple Pastor Team of Abe & Mika with various activities, not to mention occasional pungent comments at “open” council meetings. Teaching American Government & Criminal Justice at UB. Going to “High Noon Summit” in Las Vegas in April to gather information on “The New Addiction,” so that I can work actively with Dr. Noel Kayo in reaching out to 8th-12th graders in Bridgeport & Fairfield County schools to teach about the essentials of good health, as well as the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage, and the sanctity of the family as the bedrock of human civilization. Five Grandchildren – Vera, Aaron, Walter, Erik & Cesar. Thank you for your consideration!
I wholeheartedly agree with the stated goals, responsibilities, requirements & opportunities for Local Council members.
And I agree that we should have a “balance” between senior & younger members, as well as between male & female.
Thus, I’m willing to serve on the Local Council if chosen to do so, but willing to serve in other ways if others are elected.
Meanwhile, I’m content teaching at UB & preparing for our unique outreach to local teens through Bridging the Gap Education.
Thanks for your consideration!
Jon Wason
I was 18 years old when I joined the UC late September 1978. I had just arrived in Denver, Colorado to attend art school. After six months of studying Divine Principle and some entry level training I was sent to MFT and I stayed there for 9 years. I had a lot experiences with God. This was good training in how to live a religious life, serve True Parents, unite with Able, love people and deny your body. Near the end of this course I got matched and blessed. My wife, Megumi-san is from Japan.
As a young couple expecting our first child, we moved to a small town in Wisconsin as part of the Hometown Providence. All three of our children were born in Wisconsin. As the eldest, Yoshika entered first grade, we decided to relocate to a community with more blessed families. We decided to move to Bridgeport and we have been here since October 1998. We have been active in the Connecticut Family Church since that time. I recently earned a BS from UB.
My desire to serve on the Church Council is based on the concept of sharing my 39 years of experience in the movement. True Parents have been trying to teach us a tradition of living for the sake of others. I heard Father speak many times about the importance of Love, Life and Lineage and I want to help guide our congregation in the proper course towards the establishment of Chun il Guk.
Keiko Breland
I joined Unification Church in Japan in 1967 and came to USA in 1973.
Our family moved to Connecticut in 1999.
I am committed to carry out God’s will, especially now accomplishment of the tribal messiah providence. I would like to know what is happening in CT church community and help support pastor with whatever I can.
We are having weekly DP study meetings and I would like to find the way that more people can be inspired to do outreach. Also, I will try to help people with different situations with what I can.
Roger Wetherall
The following is brief summary of my church life and experience
1979 Joined Unification Church in Australia. After my initial education, I was assigned to MFT and spent 2 years in Australia fundraising. After this time I was assigned to work in One World Enterprises as a sales representative for Il Hwa and other products.
1983 - 1989. I worked with the church in various capacities, witnessing, fundraising, CARP, business, conferences, etc
1989 Blessed with my spouse, Daniela Sanfrancesco from Italy at the 1275 Couples Blessing in Korea. After receiving the Blessing, we continued to live in Korea for 3 years, delivering the Segye Ilbo newspaper, learning Korean, witnessing and teaching English.
1993 - 1997 My Wife and I moved to NYC where I began to work for the CARP video production department, initially under Dr. Seuk, then later under Jin Hun Nim.
1997 - Present. Moved to Milford, Connecticut with my growing family. We have 3 children, Lucas, who is 20 years old, studying Computer Engineering, Mimi, 18 yrs studying Professional Writing, and Micas, 14 yrs old, in 8th grade. For the last 18 years, we have been very active in the Church in CT. I have been teaching Sunday School for more than 15 years now and have been the Director of the Sunday School program for 10 years. Currently, I am serving as Secretary of the local church council and a member of the ministerial team.
2013 - 2015 I served as the CT representative of the Camp Sunrise Board. I re-designed and programmed the Camp Sunrise website and set up a new registration system
2016 After seeing a need in our community to provide ongoing education and enrichment for our Married couples, my wife and I started The Marriage Course in our community. This program has received a very positive response and I am committed to continuing to run this program in the years to come. I would like to see it grow and expand to other churches and communities as well as I believe it is an effective tool to enrich couples lives wherever they are at in their relationships. My wife and I have gone through many struggles in our relationship but have grown to experience a deep level of love, happiness and contentment with each other. We feel passionate about helping other couples and families overcome the difficulties that they face and find their own happiness.
As a member of the Family Church of CT for many years now, I have a deep appreciation for this community and all the wonderful people who live here. For the last 2 years I have enjoyed serving on the Church Council and and have been active in promoting various ideas and suggestions. It is my hope that I can continue to serve the growth and development of our community, to support True Mother and our pastors, and to educate the youth of our community to know the Divine Principle and True Parents.
Masaru Kondo
Listen to others.