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What if you knew the answer to these questions?

What is the purpose of my Life?

What if you knew the purpose of why you are here on Earth?

What if Jesus didn’t come to die?

Most people believe that Jesus came to die. Could there have been a different way?

How do I discover the secrets of the bible?

The Bible is full of secrets waiting for us to unravel them.

Can religion and science be united?

Science and Religion have both been working toward the same goal, but through different perspectives

What really happens when we die?

How can we really know what happens to us when we die?

What is an ideal family?

What is an ideal family, and more importantly, how do I create one?

 What is the purpose of my life?

If you look at the world around you, you will see that everything serves a purpose. In general, when you create something, whether it is a house, a song, or a piece of art, there is a purpose or a vision behind it. For example, a chair you are sitting on has a purpose of supporting your body comfortably while you reading this content. But what if you don't know the designer's purpose? You can easily use that thing in a wrong way. For example, you may use the chair for firewood. In the same way, if you don't know your purpose of why you are living, you can easily live your life in confusion, drifting throughout your life, and never really finding the meaning of it. So, it is very important for us to understand why are we here on Earth, or in other words, "What was God's reason for creating you in the first place?"

Once we discover that, then we can begin to understand with what purpose we should live our lives and in what way we should live. Since God is our creator, we'll start off by taking a look there.

 How do I discover the secrets of the bible?

The Bible is full of secrets and symbolism, and it is sometimes difficult to know what to take literally and what to take metaphorically. Jesus told us, "Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father." This gives us hope that there must come a time when we are able to understand clearly about God and the Bible and we can unravel the secrets within.

Many people have serious questions about the Bible and how it is interpreted. For example, "How could the universe be created in six days?", "If Jesus is coming back, what exactly is he waiting for?", "Why must Jesus come again?", "How will fallen people be resurrected at his coming?" What is the meaning of the biblical prophecies that heaven and earth will be destroyed by fire and other calamities?

If the Bible truly is Truth, then we should be able to decipher the answers to these questions and the hidden messages in the Bible while at the same time adhering to current scientific understanding and common sense.

 What really happens when we die?

Many people and religions have put forth different ideas of what happens when we die. In this age of technology, all the information is available at our fingertips. Still, who can say with absolute confidence that they know what happens to us when we die? Some say that when we die, we simply disappear. We go to sleep and never wake up again. However, for those people who have experienced supernatural phenomenon, angels, spirits and even God, even if they don’t believe in a particular religion, they can’t accept this viewpoint.

In addition, it is also difficult for logical people to accept the understanding that the almighty God of love sends us to Heaven or Hell based on us having met certain conditions such as being “saved”, regardless of how we may have lived our lives otherwise.

It is for this reason that people in the past and even in our current time have been trying to discover a way to communicate with those who have passed away, in order to get concrete proof of what happens to us when we die. This included developing tvs that would allow us to see and converse with spirits.

Perhaps someday we will have concrete proof. For now, whatever the truth is, it should at least make sense to the human intellect as well as being able to reconcile with a religious understanding. Is this even possible? We say, “Yes it is!”

The traditional doctrines of religion, on the other hand, are largely devoid of scientific explanations. Therefore, traditional religious beliefs have often clashed with modern scientific principles and often require tremendous amounts of faith to believe in.

 What if Jesus didn't come to die?

Most people believe that Jesus came to die. Could there have been a different way?

The Bible tells us that Jesus came and died for our sins 2,000 years ago. Up until now, most people have accepted the notion that this was God's Will, that Jesus had to come and that his blood had to be spilled for us to have forgiveness for our sins. However, this concept raises many questions, such as, "If Jesus could forgive sins while he was alive, why was it necessary for him to be crucified?" and "Why would an all-powerful God, the same God who created the world in six days and destroyed the world in a massive flood, have such a requirement for salvation?" or "Why did God wait thousands of years before sending Jesus and why are we awaiting a Second Coming?"

In truth, there are many people who have wondered whether God had a different plan, that Jesus didn't truly come to be killed but came for another reason. Truly, one needs look no further than the Parable of the Tenants to know that this must be true.

Why did Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."?

Without understanding the true purpose behind why Jesus came, we will never be able to understand what God and Jesus lost when he had to go the path of the cross.

 Can religion & science be united?

Science and Religion have both been working toward the same goal, but through different perspectives

Our world is changing rapidly, and we are all being affected by it in one way or another. In many ways, science has helped us to achieve an almost Utopian-like existence compared to those born even just a couple hundred years ago. However, that same technology has also created the means by which we can destroy ourselves and nature completely. In times of uncertainty, people often turn to God and Religion for answers and comfort. Religion, in its ideal sense, should bring us together as one human family with our common parent, who is our creator. Unfortunately, religion has often served the opposite purpose, and has divided people and families and has been used as an excuse to commit atrocities in the name of God.

Because of these shortcomings, many people have deeply wondered and sought for answers to their questions about life both through religion and science. Although people of religion and science typically tend to disagree, most people do not realize that, in fact, science and religion have both been working towards the same goal, albeit from different directions.

Both Science and Religion strive to enhance the lives of people and also promise a better future. But, the question of whether science and religion can be united has always been of debate. Many people believe that the two are antagonists and can never be united. Albert Einstein once said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

Together, let us look into the ways in which science and religion can come together for the betterment of all humanity.

 What is an Ideal Family?

What is an ideal family, and more importantly, how do I create one?

In our teaching, we call the family the "School of love". As we grow from being children to adults, we are supposed to naturally learn how to be a wholesome and complete human being from our relationships in our family. Our first experience of the love of God was meant to come from our parents, the sacrificial love that parents have for their children. We learn to relate to all kinds of people by being in loving relationships with our siblings, parents and grandparents, and it is through this nurturing environment that we learn to care for others.

The family is, according to God's original design, the source of joy and life for all human beings. It is the starting point from which we create healthy individuals and healthy societies, ultimately creating a healthy and peaceful world.

However, instead of being a source of nurturing and love and an example of God's love, our family relationships are so often crippled and leave us with deep emotional or physical scars. Many of the things that we see commonly in society, such as abuse and divorce, were never a part of God's original plan. For many, the family has become the ultimate source of suffering, and it is no surprise that many people today do not want to commit to marriage or to having children.

We teach that the problems of this world are rooted in the problems in the family. The family is the cornerstone of society. However, what is the standard of family that God originally desired when He/She created human beings? Surely, it can not be the families that we see today in the world. There would be no need to believe in such a God. However, if we can discover God's original design for our families and work to create that in our world today, we can work towards building a peaceful world, one family at a time.