Sunday School Service Project

One of our goals in Sunday school is to connect our kids to the greater Bridgeport community by engaging in service projects that we can co-create together.  Our hope is that the kids can experience the joy of living for the greater good in meaningful ways. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and in the spirit of Peace Starts With Me, the Sunday School hosted a dry goods food drive over two Sundays.  The collected items were delivered to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission food pantry, which helps individuals and families get back on their feet. Their motto is “Fighting Poverty from the Inside Out.” They offer recovery programs for addiction, shelter centers and food programs.  Did you know they serve over 45,000 meals a month? Donating to the food pantry is just one way we can help, can you think of others? Let’s talk about it and make it happen! Last but not least, a big THANK YOU! to all our local families for donating to the food drive, this was done as a church community ☺