Welcome to the Family Church of Connecticut
As part of the Family Federation for World Peace and Uniification (FFWPU), we are a diverse, international community of faith working towards a more peaceful world through loving families.
As part of the Family Federation for World Peace and Uniification (FFWPU), we are a diverse, international community of faith working towards a more peaceful world through loving families.
The Divine Principle is a teaching that bridges faith, culture, race, and nationality, bringing individuals, families, and generations together to build a world of Peace.
The path to membership in our church is simple:
Sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay informed.
Attend church service at least once a month
Study the Divine Principle and accept the basic beliefs
When you are ready to commit, sign the Membership form
Start giving back through volunteering or donating
Find out more about the Divine Principle by emailing us at ffwpuct@gmail.com or visit dplife.info.
Worship Service:
10:30AM Every Sunday, except the last Sunday of the month
Spurgin Hall, Bridgeport International Academy
285 Lafayette St. Bridgeport, CT 06604
Entry to Spurgin Hall is at the back of the building from 9 Warren Ct.
Every person has unique, God-given capabilities and talents. It may be music, taking care of children, writing, technology, caring, listening or organizing. You may not have discovered what your passion is yet, but our church community is a great place to try things out and grow your abilities. You never know what you might discover about yourself!
You can fill in the form below or have a conversation with one of our ministers, to find out what you can do to grow your own capabilities and experience.
The following organizations and websites can serve as resources for learning more about FFWPU and other related activities. If you notice that any of the links below have changed or are not working, please let us know at ffwpuct@gmail.com
Family Federation Education Video
True Parents’ Speeches
YAYAM (Youth And Young Adult Ministry)
Divine Principle Study
DP Intro – Video Animation: The Story of Love
DP Intro – Video Animation: Invitation to hear the Divine Principle
Let’s Study DP – videos – Rev.Compton
DP Slide Presentations – Rev. Compton
DP Dojo – Videos of Divine Principle and Workshops (40 Minute)
Traditions (Prayer, Tithing, Holy Day)
Childrens’ Ministrry and Education
Heavenly Tribal Messiah(HTM)/Guest Care/Online Holy Community
Leader’s education
Online Holy Community Training