How do I discover the secrets of the bible?
The Bible is full of secrets and symbolism, and it is sometimes difficult to know what to take literally and what to take metaphorically. Jesus told us, "Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father." This gives us hope that there must come a time when we are able to understand clearly about God and the Bible and we can unravel the secrets within.
Many people have serious questions about the Bible and how it is interpreted. For example, "How could the universe be created in six days?", "If Jesus is coming back, what exactly is he waiting for?", "Why must Jesus come again?", "How will fallen people be resurrected at his coming?" What is the meaning of the biblical prophecies that heaven and earth will be destroyed by fire and other calamities?
If the Bible truly is Truth, then we should be able to decipher the answers to these questions and the hidden messages in the Bible while at the same time adhering to current scientific understanding and common sense.