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"The Story of America:  What's the Holdup?"
10:30 AM10:30

"The Story of America: What's the Holdup?"

After 400-years of twists and turns, highs and lows, there are momentous questions to be asked about U.S. history: What has happened? Where are we now? Where are we headed? How well are we doing? What are the underlying forces? Scholars and ideologues use a wide range of theories and frameworks to answer these questions and deliver their verdict. Rev. Moon taught us to understand America using a “providential” perspective.

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Education Ain't What It Used To Be!
7:00 PM19:00

Education Ain't What It Used To Be!

What is education? What does it have to do with the pursuit of knowledge and truth? What is the purpose of education? Let’s look at how American education has changed over the years in response to changes in the culture and examine the current situation on college campuses.

Presentation and Discussion

Robert Beebe


New Hope School

Clifton, New Jersey

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Memorial Day Family Festival
10:30 AM10:30

Memorial Day Family Festival

We are inviting the entire CT community to Belvedere and East Garden to celebrate in a Spring Family Festival in honor of the 55th True Day of All Things and to tour the almost finished East Garden Museum. (registration required)
There will be NO local Sunday Service on May 28th.

To find out more about the event visit Family Fed's website here: 55th Day of All True Things Family Fest

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